Journaling Prompt # 20
August 15, 2009
Here's a fun website to spice up your journaling. ( Alondra doesn't need it!), change the colors and fonts and if you're going to print it, you probablydon't want to use black background!Joanne
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Journaling Prompt # 19
Journaling Prompt # 19
August 14, 2009
Here is the link:
You can either take a new picture or use a pic you already have.
These are the questions:
I discovered that before I took each of my photos Ithought about 4 things:
1. What do I see?
2. How does it make me feel?
3. What meaning does it have for me?
4. What does it make me want to do? She also gives a list of things to photograph. I already have pics of toys, food, favorite chair, mailbox and cats.
I have five projects for journaling going on right now, hopefully I'll getsomething finished for this before midnight. Probably about kittens!
August 14, 2009
Here is the link:
You can either take a new picture or use a pic you already have.
These are the questions:
I discovered that before I took each of my photos Ithought about 4 things:
1. What do I see?
2. How does it make me feel?
3. What meaning does it have for me?
4. What does it make me want to do? She also gives a list of things to photograph. I already have pics of toys, food, favorite chair, mailbox and cats.
I have five projects for journaling going on right now, hopefully I'll getsomething finished for this before midnight. Probably about kittens!
Journaling Prompt # 18
Journaling Challenge # 18
August 13, 2009
Firsts - write about a first. Perhaps your child's first tooth, first step, first word, or first day of school. Or a first for you - first love, first date, first car ( I was going to say first marriage - but I didn't!) And, I am giving a few easy tips that apply to the August Challenge - how to write five lines of journaling.
When I teach boys how to write, I tell them to draw ( or look ) at their hand. First, we start with the pinkie , which is kindof a hook. We need a hook to draw the reader's attention, sometimes a question or an exclamatory sentence - get a little bit of excitement going! 2nd finger,write an introduction or statement of your story. Now you have two fingers or two lines to be descriptive - use your five senses! When we get to the thumb, we write a concluding statement, concisely summarizing our story. Here is my sample: really thought that after fifty, there wouldn't be any great FIRSTS!!
But my first homemade from scratch pumpkin pie from the first pumpkin grown in my own garden was a delicious surprise! As it baked, the house was filed with adelicious aroma. The pie looked so tempting and the texture was so smooth andcreamy. It called out to me to taste it! Delectable! My belief in FIRSTS hasbeen restored! When I printed it landscape, it came out to five lines.
August 13, 2009
Firsts - write about a first. Perhaps your child's first tooth, first step, first word, or first day of school. Or a first for you - first love, first date, first car ( I was going to say first marriage - but I didn't!) And, I am giving a few easy tips that apply to the August Challenge - how to write five lines of journaling.
When I teach boys how to write, I tell them to draw ( or look ) at their hand. First, we start with the pinkie , which is kindof a hook. We need a hook to draw the reader's attention, sometimes a question or an exclamatory sentence - get a little bit of excitement going! 2nd finger,write an introduction or statement of your story. Now you have two fingers or two lines to be descriptive - use your five senses! When we get to the thumb, we write a concluding statement, concisely summarizing our story. Here is my sample: really thought that after fifty, there wouldn't be any great FIRSTS!!
But my first homemade from scratch pumpkin pie from the first pumpkin grown in my own garden was a delicious surprise! As it baked, the house was filed with adelicious aroma. The pie looked so tempting and the texture was so smooth andcreamy. It called out to me to taste it! Delectable! My belief in FIRSTS hasbeen restored! When I printed it landscape, it came out to five lines.
Journaling Prompt # 17
Journaling Prompt # 17
August 12, 2009
Sorry, I procrastinated today!
Topic - Use numbers to tell your story.
Make a list, etc. I numbered photos inmy example. It came out a bit too wild for me, but Raymond liked it. Now he has me doing more photo shoots and is requesting both 12x12 pages AND a mini-album!
My example from yesterday is uploaded too.
Note to self: Do not erase word doc until you decide on colors of papers! I had intended on using White Out bright pps, but switched to neutrals and I didn't save my word doc and I was too lazytoo retype everything on beige cardstock. I am trying to pretend that it was adesign decision.alternate Promptpick something from here :
August 12, 2009
Sorry, I procrastinated today!
Topic - Use numbers to tell your story.
Make a list, etc. I numbered photos inmy example. It came out a bit too wild for me, but Raymond liked it. Now he has me doing more photo shoots and is requesting both 12x12 pages AND a mini-album!
My example from yesterday is uploaded too.
Note to self: Do not erase word doc until you decide on colors of papers! I had intended on using White Out bright pps, but switched to neutrals and I didn't save my word doc and I was too lazytoo retype everything on beige cardstock. I am trying to pretend that it was adesign decision.alternate Promptpick something from here :
Journaling Prompt # 16
Journaling Prompt # 16
August 11, 2009
Trisha has inspired me - today we will write about WALKING SHOES!!! Ok, you can journal about any athletic subject, about yourself or anyone else. OR you can start an exercise journal, here are some : And here is part of my journaling:
When I was a kid, the shoes to have were PF Flyers. Keds were ok, and Converse made high top basketball shoes. Actually, they were called sneakers. Addidas and Tretorn made tennis shoes. In the 1980’s, the running shoe was invented. I was working two jobs â€" 60 hours a week â€" and going to school. I was running all over New York City. I am the person who invented wearing running shoes with work attire. I wore running shoes under my sterile shoecovers in the hospital, then with a dress as I ran down to Bloomies, and then Iactually did more running with them when I worked out with the NY RoadrunnersClub. I always thought it was very apropos that we did our post run stretchesat the Church of the Heavenly Rest. But the reason I made running shoes a fashion statement was due to a little store on 59th St. Before Nike came out with their waffle trainers, this shop sold basic running shoes with simple linesâ€" that were dyed all kinds of fashion colors and shipped in from Korea. I would take orders from my co-workers in the Bronx and buy half a dozen pair aweek. I am willing to take full credit for establishing this practical fad!
My lo will be uploaded later today. I did upload my project from Sunday and I did work on yesterday's as well.
August 11, 2009
Trisha has inspired me - today we will write about WALKING SHOES!!! Ok, you can journal about any athletic subject, about yourself or anyone else. OR you can start an exercise journal, here are some : And here is part of my journaling:
When I was a kid, the shoes to have were PF Flyers. Keds were ok, and Converse made high top basketball shoes. Actually, they were called sneakers. Addidas and Tretorn made tennis shoes. In the 1980’s, the running shoe was invented. I was working two jobs â€" 60 hours a week â€" and going to school. I was running all over New York City. I am the person who invented wearing running shoes with work attire. I wore running shoes under my sterile shoecovers in the hospital, then with a dress as I ran down to Bloomies, and then Iactually did more running with them when I worked out with the NY RoadrunnersClub. I always thought it was very apropos that we did our post run stretchesat the Church of the Heavenly Rest. But the reason I made running shoes a fashion statement was due to a little store on 59th St. Before Nike came out with their waffle trainers, this shop sold basic running shoes with simple linesâ€" that were dyed all kinds of fashion colors and shipped in from Korea. I would take orders from my co-workers in the Bronx and buy half a dozen pair aweek. I am willing to take full credit for establishing this practical fad!
My lo will be uploaded later today. I did upload my project from Sunday and I did work on yesterday's as well.
Journaling Prompt # 15
Journaling Prompt # 15
August 10, 2009
Here's a fun journal to print: if it is not to your taste, don't use up your ink printing it, but read throughit and pick a prompt for today. I am putting it in my handbag and will write init during spare moments.Joanne
August 10, 2009
Here's a fun journal to print: if it is not to your taste, don't use up your ink printing it, but read throughit and pick a prompt for today. I am putting it in my handbag and will write init during spare moments.Joanne
Journaling Prompt # 14
Journaling Prompt # 14
August 9, 2009
Write down ten reasons why you deserve to dream and pursue your dream - right now!
You needn't share all you journaling today. Pick a word from each reason to share. Mine were:
August 9, 2009
Write down ten reasons why you deserve to dream and pursue your dream - right now!
You needn't share all you journaling today. Pick a word from each reason to share. Mine were:
Journaling Prompt # 13
Journaling Challenge # 13
August 8, 2009
Today - let's document a conversation.
It's done all the time in magazines, andI've wanted to do it, but never have written anything down.
Here's mine:
Trevor, how do you like your new High School?"
"It's great – I almost went on a date!"
"Oh, what is her name?"
"I don't know her name."
"Which of your classes is she in?"
"She's not in any of my classes."
"Well, where did you talk to her?"
"Uh, I never talked to her. We passed each other in the hall and she turned around and looked at me."
"Ok, Trevor. Here are some dating rules. First, you have to know the girl'sname AND you have to talk to her before you go out on a date."
"Oh, I can do that!"
I hope to do a lo today after we get make from the coin show in LA.
Journaling Link:
August 8, 2009
Today - let's document a conversation.
It's done all the time in magazines, andI've wanted to do it, but never have written anything down.
Here's mine:
Trevor, how do you like your new High School?"
"It's great – I almost went on a date!"
"Oh, what is her name?"
"I don't know her name."
"Which of your classes is she in?"
"She's not in any of my classes."
"Well, where did you talk to her?"
"Uh, I never talked to her. We passed each other in the hall and she turned around and looked at me."
"Ok, Trevor. Here are some dating rules. First, you have to know the girl'sname AND you have to talk to her before you go out on a date."
"Oh, I can do that!"
I hope to do a lo today after we get make from the coin show in LA.
Journaling Link:
Journaling Prompt # 12
Journaling Challenge # 12
August 7, 2009
If 26 words were too much for you - describe your life in SIX words!
August 7, 2009
If 26 words were too much for you - describe your life in SIX words!
Journaling Prompt # 11
Journaling Prompt # 11
August 6, 2009
How about an A to Z of YOU!!
List 26 words, from A to z that describe you.
Be upbeat - no achy, bloated,constipated, depressed, etc!
Think of what you would want your future granddaughters to know about you. Get creative at the end of the alphabet - we can't all be wonderful, excellent, young and zany! It is a good exercise to get out the dictionary and to choose which of the common words
(Creative, Crafty,caring..) depicts you the best. I'm still working on mine and I can't find the lo that inspired me (does anyoneknow how to organize favorites in firefox?) But here are a few samples:
another way to do a to z
August 6, 2009
How about an A to Z of YOU!!
List 26 words, from A to z that describe you.
Be upbeat - no achy, bloated,constipated, depressed, etc!
Think of what you would want your future granddaughters to know about you. Get creative at the end of the alphabet - we can't all be wonderful, excellent, young and zany! It is a good exercise to get out the dictionary and to choose which of the common words
(Creative, Crafty,caring..) depicts you the best. I'm still working on mine and I can't find the lo that inspired me (does anyoneknow how to organize favorites in firefox?) But here are a few samples:
another way to do a to z
52 Week Challenge - 31 & 32
Week # 31 – Celebrate a Great Person
We all have special people ion our lives – people who have made a difference. Elsie thinks it’s so important to create scrapbook pages that help share the essence who they are and what they mean to us. For this challenge, create a layout that celebrates a special someone in your life!
Week # 32 – Play with Photo Proportions
Have a photo graph you just love? Here’s the challenge: feature a photograph predominantly on your layout by making it a large portion of your background. Try this technique digitally or with a traditionally printed photo.
We all have special people ion our lives – people who have made a difference. Elsie thinks it’s so important to create scrapbook pages that help share the essence who they are and what they mean to us. For this challenge, create a layout that celebrates a special someone in your life!
Week # 32 – Play with Photo Proportions
Have a photo graph you just love? Here’s the challenge: feature a photograph predominantly on your layout by making it a large portion of your background. Try this technique digitally or with a traditionally printed photo.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Journaling Prompt # 10
Journaling Prompt # 10
August 5, 2009
Journal about : MOVIES!!!
Anything you want - past, present or future.Here's a link to a mini-book
August 5, 2009
Journal about : MOVIES!!!
Anything you want - past, present or future.Here's a link to a mini-book
Journaling Prompt # 9
Journaling Prompt # 9
August 4, 2009
What are 20 of your favorite things (NOT people)?It doesn't have to be in different categories - mine seemed to be food and Ididn't list scrapbooking! If you are writing a health journal, it could be 20favorite healthy things :)I made a list and made it into a lo using leftover pics. I'll upload tonight.
Journaling Link:
August 4, 2009
What are 20 of your favorite things (NOT people)?It doesn't have to be in different categories - mine seemed to be food and Ididn't list scrapbooking! If you are writing a health journal, it could be 20favorite healthy things :)I made a list and made it into a lo using leftover pics. I'll upload tonight.
Journaling Link:
Journaling Prompt # 8
August 3, 2009 Challenge
Today, we'll use this weeks ( Week 31) Challenge from the 52 week challenge -
Celebrate a Great Person.
My lo is posted - I wrote about Abraham Lincoln and well researching the event,I learned that the gentleman who impersonates Lincoln is quite cool himself.
You could write about a mentor, family member, whoever you believe is great.Joanne
Today, we'll use this weeks ( Week 31) Challenge from the 52 week challenge -
Celebrate a Great Person.
My lo is posted - I wrote about Abraham Lincoln and well researching the event,I learned that the gentleman who impersonates Lincoln is quite cool himself.
You could write about a mentor, family member, whoever you believe is great.Joanne
Journaling Prompt # 7
Journaling Prompt # 7
August 2, 2009
Use a journaling box / spot / whatever!And here is a link to some printable:
August 2, 2009
Use a journaling box / spot / whatever!And here is a link to some printable:
Sunday, August 2, 2009
August Challenge - hosted by Erica
Okay, heres the August Challenge.
Lots of cool stuff in the prize pack.
Bazzill Cardstock, patterned papers and more! Over $30 in goodies!
The Challenge is called 1-2-3-4-5
Make a layout using:
1 - sheet of patterned paper (can be double sided)
2 - sheets of cardstock (can be 1 or 2 page layouts)
3 - stamps (can be the same image repeated or 3 different images)
4 - pictures (any size)
5 - lines of journaling (can be any length - 12x12 lines or shorter. Just needsto be 5 lines)
I will try to create a gallery here for this challenge.
Good luck!
Lots of cool stuff in the prize pack.
Bazzill Cardstock, patterned papers and more! Over $30 in goodies!
The Challenge is called 1-2-3-4-5
Make a layout using:
1 - sheet of patterned paper (can be double sided)
2 - sheets of cardstock (can be 1 or 2 page layouts)
3 - stamps (can be the same image repeated or 3 different images)
4 - pictures (any size)
5 - lines of journaling (can be any length - 12x12 lines or shorter. Just needsto be 5 lines)
I will try to create a gallery here for this challenge.
Good luck!
Journaling Prompt # 6
Journaling Prompt # 6
August 1, 2009
Ok, if you don't think you have something to say - interview someone else!
Journaling Link:
August 1, 2009
Ok, if you don't think you have something to say - interview someone else!
Journaling Link:
Journaling Prompt # 5
Journaling Prompt # 5
July 31, 2009
Journal about the books you are reading, or your favorite book or series (or least favorite), or which book you were forced to read in high school that didmean something to you after you read it, or if you could be a character in a book - who would you be?
I made a summer reading log mini-book for Raymond based on this:
I think it would be really cute to make a mini-album called "BedtimeStories" that featured all the books that you read to your little one!
July 31, 2009
Journal about the books you are reading, or your favorite book or series (or least favorite), or which book you were forced to read in high school that didmean something to you after you read it, or if you could be a character in a book - who would you be?
I made a summer reading log mini-book for Raymond based on this:
I think it would be really cute to make a mini-album called "BedtimeStories" that featured all the books that you read to your little one!
Journaling Prompt # 4
Journaling Prompt # 4
Today's Prompt is Gameshow!
And if you dare to open the following link: may pick any of the topics!!The topics are actually for kids -
Time for a double bonus round!!!
Ten points if you print out the writing pages and use them - OR - persuade your child or husband to journal!
Journaling Prompt # 3
Journaling Prompt # 3
Today I'll give you a quick and easy prompt that would be suitable for a circle journal.I call it the 5 Me ErList 5 occupations you have.Not scrapbooker, that is obvious. Not Mother, daughter, sister, or spouse. Notyour job, but other things you do. Mine:Gardener, Kayaker, Hiker, Baker, Nature Lover. My lo is uploaded.
Today I'll give you a quick and easy prompt that would be suitable for a circle journal.I call it the 5 Me ErList 5 occupations you have.Not scrapbooker, that is obvious. Not Mother, daughter, sister, or spouse. Notyour job, but other things you do. Mine:Gardener, Kayaker, Hiker, Baker, Nature Lover. My lo is uploaded.
Bonus Points!!
5 bonus points if you write sentences to go with your words.1 bonus point for every person you create a list about.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Journaling Prompt #1
Journal Prompt # 1
July 27, 2009
Since today is Raymond's birthday, today's prompt is BIRTHDAY!!!
In the "Telling Stories Deeply" online class, it was stressed that all five senses should be included to create a vivid story. Birthdays are a perfect subject for this! Journal about anyone's birthday, single or plural. Some ideas - what music was heard? What scents were in the air? Were there wonderful things to taste? Who or what was there to see? Any touching going on?I have two stories I will post tomorrow.
First, we are going to Disneyland, soI'll write about that. I am also going to journal about the parties I had as akid.If you are writing a diet journal, you may want to consider the significance and prominence of food in celebrations. Today, I am including links to two printable journaling spot pages. Yourjournaling can be concise. Birthdays would be: cake, candles, hugs, gifts,song.
July 27, 2009
Since today is Raymond's birthday, today's prompt is BIRTHDAY!!!
In the "Telling Stories Deeply" online class, it was stressed that all five senses should be included to create a vivid story. Birthdays are a perfect subject for this! Journal about anyone's birthday, single or plural. Some ideas - what music was heard? What scents were in the air? Were there wonderful things to taste? Who or what was there to see? Any touching going on?I have two stories I will post tomorrow.
First, we are going to Disneyland, soI'll write about that. I am also going to journal about the parties I had as akid.If you are writing a diet journal, you may want to consider the significance and prominence of food in celebrations. Today, I am including links to two printable journaling spot pages. Yourjournaling can be concise. Birthdays would be: cake, candles, hugs, gifts,song.
New Journalinfg Prompt Challenge - Intro
The greatest minds of WhoGas met yesterday and concluded that we need a journaling challenge! I (Joanne) volunteered to attempt to run it - wish me luck!
The challenge is informal - the goal is to write something everyday. The writing may be typical scrapbook journaling, writing in a health / diet journal,nature journal, gardening journal or a diary journal - whatever you would like.
We'll start by first selecting where to write down our words. You can digitallyrecord your thoughts, but most of us enjoy tangible items. I started an album in the photo section and I placed pics of two commercially available journals. There are all types of journals that you can purchase, as well as journal templates for diet, exercise, etc. that are available online. I am going to try to carry a journal with me whenever ever possible so I can jot down both facts and random thoughts, especially when I am taking pictures.I hope to post one link per day.
Today, it is from Donna Salazaar and Fiskars on how to decorate a composition book. on episode 98. I (Joanne) made a journal for Raymond and posted a pic in thealbum. If you post a picture of your journal ( whatever it may be) - give yourself five points for today's challenge.
Posting your journaling is optional, as it may be personal. If your journaling is on a blog or online somewhere else, you could post a link. When I include my journaling as a sample, I'll put it in the post. The challenge will be point based and you track your own points. Since I'm making this up as I go along, I don't have a point chart - yet.
But so far, it is:
Responding to a prompt : 5 pts
If you journal, but not to the day's prompt : 4pts ( can be combined with above for 9 pts)
Posting in some way your journaling :1 pt
Posting a pic of your altered journal, homemade journal, lo, or other art item : 5 pts
All posts and uploads are due within 5 days of the original prompt.If you have questions on how to post pics or any other question that you don't want posted, pm me at
The greatest minds of WhoGas met yesterday and concluded that we need a journaling challenge! I (Joanne) volunteered to attempt to run it - wish me luck!
The challenge is informal - the goal is to write something everyday. The writing may be typical scrapbook journaling, writing in a health / diet journal,nature journal, gardening journal or a diary journal - whatever you would like.
We'll start by first selecting where to write down our words. You can digitallyrecord your thoughts, but most of us enjoy tangible items. I started an album in the photo section and I placed pics of two commercially available journals. There are all types of journals that you can purchase, as well as journal templates for diet, exercise, etc. that are available online. I am going to try to carry a journal with me whenever ever possible so I can jot down both facts and random thoughts, especially when I am taking pictures.I hope to post one link per day.
Today, it is from Donna Salazaar and Fiskars on how to decorate a composition book. on episode 98. I (Joanne) made a journal for Raymond and posted a pic in thealbum. If you post a picture of your journal ( whatever it may be) - give yourself five points for today's challenge.
Posting your journaling is optional, as it may be personal. If your journaling is on a blog or online somewhere else, you could post a link. When I include my journaling as a sample, I'll put it in the post. The challenge will be point based and you track your own points. Since I'm making this up as I go along, I don't have a point chart - yet.
But so far, it is:
Responding to a prompt : 5 pts
If you journal, but not to the day's prompt : 4pts ( can be combined with above for 9 pts)
Posting in some way your journaling :1 pt
Posting a pic of your altered journal, homemade journal, lo, or other art item : 5 pts
All posts and uploads are due within 5 days of the original prompt.If you have questions on how to post pics or any other question that you don't want posted, pm me at
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Week # 30 - Digitally Alter a Photograph
Week # 30 – Digitally Alter a Photograph
Elsie loves taking photographs and challenging herself by doing cool things with her photo software. She would like to challenge her readers to do the same. Try changing the color of a photo (black & white / sepia, etc), digitally slicing a photo, try different artistic effects, etc.. Time to get creative!
Elsie loves taking photographs and challenging herself by doing cool things with her photo software. She would like to challenge her readers to do the same. Try changing the color of a photo (black & white / sepia, etc), digitally slicing a photo, try different artistic effects, etc.. Time to get creative!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
July Challenge
Hosted by Jessica S.
Your challenge this month is the following:
Create a SUMMER layout using the sketch provided, your layout can be of anything that represents summer to you.
The only other rule is you have to use the word"Summer" somewhere in the title of your layout. Easy right?
** A folder has been created int he "Photo" section in the group. When you have completed your challenge, please upload into the same folder.
Due date: July 31st by midnight.
Everyone who participates with get a participation RAK plus the winner will get a fun little prize! Have fun ladies!
Your challenge this month is the following:
Create a SUMMER layout using the sketch provided, your layout can be of anything that represents summer to you.
The only other rule is you have to use the word"Summer" somewhere in the title of your layout. Easy right?
** A folder has been created int he "Photo" section in the group. When you have completed your challenge, please upload into the same folder.
Due date: July 31st by midnight.
Everyone who participates with get a participation RAK plus the winner will get a fun little prize! Have fun ladies!


Created by Joanne


Created by Tricia
Created by Alondra

Created by Rochelle S.
Created by Bea
Week # 29 - Journal an Unexpected Turn
Week # 29 – Journal an Unexpected Turn
Life is full of interesting twists and turns. If you’ve ever had a dream and then been surprised at how your life really turned out, you’ll know what this challenge is about. For this challenge, take a look at an event or a time in your life you when you thought things might be a certain way but ended up completely different!
Life is full of interesting twists and turns. If you’ve ever had a dream and then been surprised at how your life really turned out, you’ll know what this challenge is about. For this challenge, take a look at an event or a time in your life you when you thought things might be a certain way but ended up completely different!
Created by Joanne
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Week 28 - Document a Day in Your Life
Week #28 – Document a Day in Your Life
How do you spend a typical day? I know, you may think your life is just the same old, same old…but others in your family may not think so and may be fascinated with all the details that make up your daily routine! Try creating a page that chronicles a day in your life…it would be worth it!
* A Word From Elsie *
For an easy way to document a day in your life, just make a photocopy of your day planner or of a grocery list or to-do-list. I know you might think it would look messy, but think about how cool it would be if your kids discovered it one day. And, you can also make a little hidden journaling slot for it, too!
How do you spend a typical day? I know, you may think your life is just the same old, same old…but others in your family may not think so and may be fascinated with all the details that make up your daily routine! Try creating a page that chronicles a day in your life…it would be worth it!
* A Word From Elsie *
For an easy way to document a day in your life, just make a photocopy of your day planner or of a grocery list or to-do-list. I know you might think it would look messy, but think about how cool it would be if your kids discovered it one day. And, you can also make a little hidden journaling slot for it, too!
Joanne's Layout

Friday, July 10, 2009
Cori's Celebrating her Birthday and WE are INVITED!
Come celebrate Miss Cori's Birthday with us!
Where: Scrapbook Land - 16388 Colima Road #105 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745.
When: Saturday, August 22, 2009
Time: 10-10
**There is a $10 fee with a potluck dish
You will need to call to reserve your spot!
Call today!
Attendees so far: (will be updated)
Cori & Mom
Where: Scrapbook Land - 16388 Colima Road #105 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745.
When: Saturday, August 22, 2009
Time: 10-10
**There is a $10 fee with a potluck dish
You will need to call to reserve your spot!
Call today!
Attendees so far: (will be updated)
Cori & Mom
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Week #27 - Scrapbook Those Silly Photos
Week #27 – Scrapbook Those Silly Photos
I know you have them. Well, at least one? You know the silly photos! Maybe there is that one child or family member that constantly makes silly faces every time you try and take a photo. So dig it out…and or take a new one!
I know you have them. Well, at least one? You know the silly photos! Maybe there is that one child or family member that constantly makes silly faces every time you try and take a photo. So dig it out…and or take a new one!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Week #26 - Make Your Own: Clear Flower Embellishments
Step by Step:
1. Draw or trace a flower shape on clear plastic (like transparency, sheet protector or acetate.2.
2. Cut out the shape with scissors.
3. Paint the edges to add definition
1. Draw or trace a flower shape on clear plastic (like transparency, sheet protector or acetate.2.
2. Cut out the shape with scissors.
3. Paint the edges to add definition
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Card Swap
Card Swap
Okay ladies, I asked who would be interested in a card swap.
We will be doing a total of 2 cards, one with a summer theme and one of a theme your choice.
Please read the challenges carefully!
Summer theme: must have some yellow in it somewhere to represent the sunshine we are about to encounter!
Your choice theme: will need to contain a technique that you enjoy doing.
Those who are interested and plan on participating, please sign up in the database... =)
Pairs to be determined
Okay ladies, I asked who would be interested in a card swap.
We will be doing a total of 2 cards, one with a summer theme and one of a theme your choice.
Please read the challenges carefully!
Summer theme: must have some yellow in it somewhere to represent the sunshine we are about to encounter!
Your choice theme: will need to contain a technique that you enjoy doing.
Those who are interested and plan on participating, please sign up in the database... =)
Pairs to be determined
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Week # 18 - Scraplift a Layout Shape
Week # 18 - Scraplift a Layout Shape
Okay…I told you it was beginning to get a little repetitive. We took a look at this challenge in week #12 and I guess we are revisiting it again this week! Looking at the example in the book, it now makes a little bit more sense to me. Look at a layout and look at the overall design. For example, if you have a layout that has one large circle on the left side of the page, one large photo to the right with the circle overlapping, and whether it be large journaling boxes or journaling strips towards the bottom.Is that hard to imagine? Try it! Take a look at a layout in our gallery or another persons gallery off the site. If you participate in this weeks challenge, I would like to see a link posted so we can see what you scraplifted.
Okay…I told you it was beginning to get a little repetitive. We took a look at this challenge in week #12 and I guess we are revisiting it again this week! Looking at the example in the book, it now makes a little bit more sense to me. Look at a layout and look at the overall design. For example, if you have a layout that has one large circle on the left side of the page, one large photo to the right with the circle overlapping, and whether it be large journaling boxes or journaling strips towards the bottom.Is that hard to imagine? Try it! Take a look at a layout in our gallery or another persons gallery off the site. If you participate in this weeks challenge, I would like to see a link posted so we can see what you scraplifted.
Monday, April 27, 2009
52 Week Challenge - Weeks 16, 17, & 18
Week # 16 – Scraplift a Topic
Again, this is another example that is illustrated in the book. The example that is used in the book is the topic of how much one loves their camera, so she scraplifted that topic.
Choose ANY topic and scrap it! Maybe the challenge should had said, scraplift a SUBJECT instead! =)
Again, this is another example that is illustrated in the book. The example that is used in the book is the topic of how much one loves their camera, so she scraplifted that topic.
Choose ANY topic and scrap it! Maybe the challenge should had said, scraplift a SUBJECT instead! =)
Week #17 – Scraplift an Alphabetical Approach
Elsie loves how “Julie) used so many different types of letters on her page. She also loved how she customized them to fit her personal style. Experiment with letters on a scrapbook page, and make them your own by embellishing them in a way that suits your scrapbooking personality! (So…basically choose a letter in the alphabet, attempt to use several in your layout maybe as a focal point?)
Week #18 – Scraplift a Page DesignElsie likes to challenge herself by pushing limits of what a scrapbook page can be. Blank space on a layout can be super effective. Try something different by leaving a lot of blank space on a page
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
1st WhoGas Recipe Swap!
WhoGivesaScrap Recipe Swap
Deadline: July 20, 2009
-All “layouts” must be 6x6.-All recipes must be typed.
-All recipes must say: From the Kitchen of: (Your Name) so that each person will know who the recipe came from.
-You may use as many embellishments or techniques as you wish. These are your recipes – have fun with them!
-You must make a recipe for every person participating in the swap. For example, if ten people are participating in the swap, then you need to make 30 recipe layouts. Ten people x 3 categories = 30 6x6 layouts.
This shouldn't be too hard because there are no pictures involved.
*We have 8 participants so you will be making a total of 24 cards*
So we have thought about our recipes and here is what we have to look forward to below!
Woo hoo!!! Sounds all yummy!
I do ask for all to keep in mind your commitment and please be sure to follow through so that everyone receives the same they have made.
You will be responsible for mailing your recipes to each person in the swap. They must be mailed out no later than July 20th. This gives you a little over 3 months. You can do this, ladies!
If you have any questions, just let me know
Main Dishes
Denise - Cider Beef
Holly - Asian-Style Pork Roast
Jennifer - Asian Hoisin Patties w/ Cabbage
Laurie - Junk
Lisa - Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Melissa - Johnny Carinos Chicken Pasta (like)
Trisha - Spaghetti Casserole
Joanne - Potage Chinois
Kierstin - Overnight Frenchg Toast
Side Dishes
Denise - Cranberry Casserole
Holly - Tropical Black Beans & Rice
Jennifer - Fast Macaroni & Cheese
Laurie - Yummy Garlic Cheese Bread
Lisa - Lisa's Awesome Corn
Melissa - Roasted Vegetables
Trisha - Fried Corn and Green Beans
Joanne - Mystery
Kierstin - Bourbon Sweet Potaotes
Denise - Sour Cream Pound Cake
Holly - Sweet and Spicy Crisps
Jennifer - Russian Tea Cakes
Laurie - Better than Sex Cake / Better than Anything Cake
Lisa - Cream Cheese Pound Cake
Melissa - Ultra-Rich Chocolate Orange Cake
Trisha - Egg Nog Delight
Joanne - Key Lime Pie
Kierstin - Carrot Pumpkin Pie
I will send out periodic reminders.
Thanks again for signing up!
Deadline: July 20, 2009
-All “layouts” must be 6x6.-All recipes must be typed.
-All recipes must say: From the Kitchen of: (Your Name) so that each person will know who the recipe came from.
-You may use as many embellishments or techniques as you wish. These are your recipes – have fun with them!
-You must make a recipe for every person participating in the swap. For example, if ten people are participating in the swap, then you need to make 30 recipe layouts. Ten people x 3 categories = 30 6x6 layouts.
This shouldn't be too hard because there are no pictures involved.
*We have 8 participants so you will be making a total of 24 cards*
So we have thought about our recipes and here is what we have to look forward to below!
Woo hoo!!! Sounds all yummy!
I do ask for all to keep in mind your commitment and please be sure to follow through so that everyone receives the same they have made.
You will be responsible for mailing your recipes to each person in the swap. They must be mailed out no later than July 20th. This gives you a little over 3 months. You can do this, ladies!
If you have any questions, just let me know
Main Dishes
Denise - Cider Beef
Holly - Asian-Style Pork Roast
Jennifer - Asian Hoisin Patties w/ Cabbage
Laurie - Junk
Lisa - Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Melissa - Johnny Carinos Chicken Pasta (like)
Trisha - Spaghetti Casserole
Joanne - Potage Chinois
Kierstin - Overnight Frenchg Toast
Side Dishes
Denise - Cranberry Casserole
Holly - Tropical Black Beans & Rice
Jennifer - Fast Macaroni & Cheese
Laurie - Yummy Garlic Cheese Bread
Lisa - Lisa's Awesome Corn
Melissa - Roasted Vegetables
Trisha - Fried Corn and Green Beans
Joanne - Mystery
Kierstin - Bourbon Sweet Potaotes
Denise - Sour Cream Pound Cake
Holly - Sweet and Spicy Crisps
Jennifer - Russian Tea Cakes
Laurie - Better than Sex Cake / Better than Anything Cake
Lisa - Cream Cheese Pound Cake
Melissa - Ultra-Rich Chocolate Orange Cake
Trisha - Egg Nog Delight
Joanne - Key Lime Pie
Kierstin - Carrot Pumpkin Pie
I will send out periodic reminders.
Thanks again for signing up!
Friday, April 3, 2009
April Calendar
4/1 – Sharon’s Birthday
4/9 - Dawn’s Birthday
4/10 - Deadline to Send Bingo Words
4/11 - Laurie’s Crop
4/20 - Sign up for Recipe Swap
4/25 - Monthly Crop In Redlands!
4/29 – April Challenge Due
4/9 - Dawn’s Birthday
4/10 - Deadline to Send Bingo Words
4/11 - Laurie’s Crop
4/20 - Sign up for Recipe Swap
4/25 - Monthly Crop In Redlands!
4/29 – April Challenge Due
April Challenge - What Makes YOU Happy!?
~ April Challenge~
What Makes YOU Happy!
Thought it was time to get happy and its spring time and we all have things that make us happy, Show me on a single or double layout what makes YOU happy!
Twist: A circle must be somewhere on the page!
What Makes YOU Happy!
Thought it was time to get happy and its spring time and we all have things that make us happy, Show me on a single or double layout what makes YOU happy!
Twist: A circle must be somewhere on the page!
Twist is optional BUT you will receive an extra vote if you do it.Rules:
*Your lo has to be new as of April 3, 2009
*Upload your lo onthe board by April 29, in the designated folder “April Challenge”
*You can enter one lo for this month!
I will create a poll for voting this month… =)
Please try and leave some love in each others galleries!
If you get a comment, return it and share the love!
Layouts will also be placed here on our blog. =) * If you wish to place in another gallery other than here, it is your responsibility to make sure you post the link.
Go sign up in the database if participating!
Please try and leave some love in each others galleries!
If you get a comment, return it and share the love!
Layouts will also be placed here on our blog. =) * If you wish to place in another gallery other than here, it is your responsibility to make sure you post the link.
Go sign up in the database if participating!

Crop at the Oasis
Our wonderful group of ladies having lunch at Lucilles in Irvine....the food was awesome!!! Had a great waitress and most of all great company!
Cori, Trisha, Joanne, Erica, and Bea


Erica hiding behind one of her awesome projects!

Cori...looks like she is wishing to have an imaginery cupcake in her hands! LOL!

Joanne workinher buns off! As usual...

Cori, Trisha, Joanne, Erica, and Bea


Erica hiding behind one of her awesome projects!

Cori...looks like she is wishing to have an imaginery cupcake in her hands! LOL!

Joanne workinher buns off! As usual...

Week # 14 - Scraplift a Technique
Week #14 – Scraplift a Technique
Try Scraplifting a technique you may find in one’s gallery here in our group, OR any other gallery. If possible please try and give credit as to who inspired you to scraplift the technique. Have fun with it!
Try Scraplifting a technique you may find in one’s gallery here in our group, OR any other gallery. If possible please try and give credit as to who inspired you to scraplift the technique. Have fun with it!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Week # 13 - Mini Album: Favorite Savings
Week #13 - Mini Album: Favorite Sayings
You may have your own language in your house! Create a dictionary with some of the terms you use in your household that would be fun for a guest to read. This little album will help you remember some of the little details of your lives that may be lost at some point later in time. Try it! This one sounds fun!
You may have your own language in your house! Create a dictionary with some of the terms you use in your household that would be fun for a guest to read. This little album will help you remember some of the little details of your lives that may be lost at some point later in time. Try it! This one sounds fun!
Week # 12 - Scraplift a Layout Shape
Week # 12 – Scraplift a Layout Shape
For this challenge, look for a layout with a shape you love and challenge yourself to scraplift it! (Circles, Diamonds, Rectangular, Square, etc!)
For this challenge, look for a layout with a shape you love and challenge yourself to scraplift it! (Circles, Diamonds, Rectangular, Square, etc!)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Easter / Spring ATC Swap
Sign-ups End: March 12th
ATCs Due in Mail: April 1
Hostess: Yours Truly...
Spring is just around the corner! The next ATC swap theme will be Easter.***If you do not celebrate Easter, please feel free to do Spring themed***
The requirements:
1. Must be new as of today (3/7/09)
2. ATC dimensions are 2 ½ by 3 ½.
3. Must have bling
4. Must have an Easter Egg. (or substitue for flowers)
5. Please mail out ATCs no later than 4/1/09 to ensure arrival before Easter.Please be sure to sign up in Database!
Participants thus far:
1. Trisha
2. Erica
3. Susie B.
ATCs Due in Mail: April 1
Hostess: Yours Truly...
Spring is just around the corner! The next ATC swap theme will be Easter.***If you do not celebrate Easter, please feel free to do Spring themed***
The requirements:
1. Must be new as of today (3/7/09)
2. ATC dimensions are 2 ½ by 3 ½.
3. Must have bling
4. Must have an Easter Egg. (or substitue for flowers)
5. Please mail out ATCs no later than 4/1/09 to ensure arrival before Easter.Please be sure to sign up in Database!
Participants thus far:
1. Trisha
2. Erica
3. Susie B.
52 Week Challenge - Week 11 *Scraplift a Color Combo*
Week #11 – Scraplift a Color CombinationThis weeks challenge is to scraplift another members color scheme. When you post your completed challenge, mention the other members color combo you arelifting. =)**Elise lifted a layout in the book**
Sunday, March 8, 2009
March Events...
3/7 - Robin’s Scrap Yard Sale
3/10 - Deadline to Sign up for Easter Swap (post # 15810)
3/13 - "Going Green" Crop at Collective Journeys (info posted on calendar)
Going Green” Crop Party!
Everything Green is what this crop is all about! Join the party in your best GREEN attire. We will serve some GREEN Food and Goodies, have Green Prizes, and a GREEN surprise for you! $15. Friday, March 13th 5-11pm...Must call and RSVP: 909-793-2200
1755 Orange Tree Lane Redlands, Ca 92374
3/14 – Monthly Crop (info posted on calendar
Please be sure to RSVP
3/14 – 3/15 Scrapbook Royalty’s Royal Slumber Crop!
3/16 Yvonne’s Birthday
3/20 – Nola’s Birthday
3/21 Laurie’s Crop in Orange – please be sure to get on her email list so she can send you an Evite, you must RSVP as well as space is limited.
3/25 – Audrey’s Birthday
3/28 – Crop @ Scrapbook Oasis (info posted on calendar) – Hosted by Erica
3/29 Field Trip to Wildflower Trail (post #’s 15793 & 15793)
3/10 - Deadline to Sign up for Easter Swap (post # 15810)
3/13 - "Going Green" Crop at Collective Journeys (info posted on calendar)
Going Green” Crop Party!
Everything Green is what this crop is all about! Join the party in your best GREEN attire. We will serve some GREEN Food and Goodies, have Green Prizes, and a GREEN surprise for you! $15. Friday, March 13th 5-11pm...Must call and RSVP: 909-793-2200
1755 Orange Tree Lane Redlands, Ca 92374
3/14 – Monthly Crop (info posted on calendar
Please be sure to RSVP
3/14 – 3/15 Scrapbook Royalty’s Royal Slumber Crop!
3/16 Yvonne’s Birthday
3/20 – Nola’s Birthday
3/21 Laurie’s Crop in Orange – please be sure to get on her email list so she can send you an Evite, you must RSVP as well as space is limited.
3/25 – Audrey’s Birthday
3/28 – Crop @ Scrapbook Oasis (info posted on calendar) – Hosted by Erica
3/29 Field Trip to Wildflower Trail (post #’s 15793 & 15793)
Help Me Help You!
You know I try and deliver as much as possible!
Leave your comment and be entered into a drawing for a RAK!
My question to you is, how would you like to see this board be utilized?
Leave your comment and be entered into a drawing for a RAK!
My question to you is, how would you like to see this board be utilized?
WhoGas Has a Blog!
I must explain the name!
You may be asking what is a WhoGas!? Well unfortunately it IS the acronym for WhoGivesaScrap!
It is one of my other home away from home place! It is now home to many other wonderful ladies in my group.
I started this group August 26, 2007 after shutting down Inland Empire Scrap Group. I changed the name because I wanted to meet people also outside of the Inland Empire. True enough...MOST of us on the board are from Southern Cali, but we also have ladies from across the country.
I am using this blog to mainly post challenges, keep track of certain items as our space is limited on the Yahoo Group, a calendar will be created as well.
If you have stumbled across this blog and would like to join the fun, please be sure to visit us and request membership!
You may be asking what is a WhoGas!? Well unfortunately it IS the acronym for WhoGivesaScrap!
It is one of my other home away from home place! It is now home to many other wonderful ladies in my group.
I started this group August 26, 2007 after shutting down Inland Empire Scrap Group. I changed the name because I wanted to meet people also outside of the Inland Empire. True enough...MOST of us on the board are from Southern Cali, but we also have ladies from across the country.
I am using this blog to mainly post challenges, keep track of certain items as our space is limited on the Yahoo Group, a calendar will be created as well.
If you have stumbled across this blog and would like to join the fun, please be sure to visit us and request membership!
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